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May, 2022

They collaborate to generate regional public goods that maximize the open access visibility of regional, technical and scientific output that facilitates the availability of scientific output published in Diamond Open Access scientific journals in institutional repositories, national nodes and LA Referencia, as well as in evaluation systems and CRIS platforms, that support the implementation of national and regional Open Science policies, that generate spaces for discussion and exchange with other initiatives to jointly contribute to the design of new metrics and mechanisms for research evaluation based on Open Science inputs, products and processes.

The Scientific Information System Redalyc (Mexico), the Federated Network of Institutional Repositories of Scientific Publications “LA Referencia” and the Latin American Cooperation of Advanced Networks, “RedCLARA”, (Uruguay) sign an agreement to constitute a general framework of collaboration for the establishment of the principles of implementation of openness, consensus, inclusion and harmonization, community approach, non-profit, for the consolidation of a Regional Open Science Ecosystem for the interoperability, the green and the golden Open Access to improve visibility and contribute to new forms of scientific evaluation.

Recognizing the current needs of promoting knowledge as an accessible non-profit good; LA Referencia, together with RedCLARA, conforms its vision to be recognized as a key actor in the strengthening of science and technology in Latin America, working in the consolidation of a political and technical discussion environment integrated by the governments of Latin American and external partner countries, in increasing the visibility of regional scientific output at the global level, in the development of open software platforms for aggregation, quality control, enrichment and interoperability of scientific output metadata, and in the interconnectivity of the National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) with advanced academic networks in the rest of the world.

In favor of eradicating the delimitations, more and more projects that favor Open Science are encouraged, so LA Referencia and RedCLARA together with the science and technology organizations that make up LA Referencia (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, Spain, Mexico, Panama, Peru and Uruguay) and the National Research and Education Networks (NREN) of the region intend to work collaboratively with other initiatives for the consolidation of a Regional Open Science Ecosystem.

Redalyc has been established as an open, non-profit infrastructure to strengthen Diamond Open Access by offering a collaborative framework for capacity building in scientific journals, editorial production, XML JATS tagging, visibility, interoperability, quality improvement and metrics for non-commercial Open Access scientific journals.

Redalyc performs journal indexing processes based on quality assessment. It also performs the hosting of full-text articles and the standardization of the metadata associated with them. The latter includes the standardization of authors’ institutional affiliations, which allows classifying scientific output by author’s institution, country and other associated data.

Among the services offered by Redalyc is interoperability with repositories, by offering an OAI-PMH data provider for each institution with scientific output published in journals indexed by Redalyc, in order to provide a service to repositories to retrieve the scientific output of their communities, whether institutional, national or thematic repositories.

The aim of this cooperation is to:

  • Promote metadata interoperability between Diamond Open Access and Green Open Access in general, and between the regional platforms Redalyc and LA Referencia in particular, with the objective of maximizing the open access visibility of regional scientific and technical output.
  • Facilitate the availability of scientific output published in Diamond Open Access scientific journals in institutional repositories, national nodes and LA Referencia, as well as in evaluation systems and CRIS platforms.
  • Collaborate in the development of open software that improves the quality of metadata, compliance with international guidelines, preservation and retrieval of research products, with the clear objective of generating regional public goods that support the implementation of national and regional Open Science policies.
  • Generate and participate in discussion and exchange spaces with other initiatives in the region to jointly contribute to the design of new metrics and research evaluation mechanisms based on Open Science inputs, products and processes.

Agreement signing session

Read the agreement