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Digital Collection of Academic Journals AmeliCA – Central America

On Thursday, September 10th, 2020, the Digital Collection of Academic Journals AmeliCA – Central America, will be officially launched through a virtual session via webinar

Redalyc-AmeliCA and the University of Panama have worked since 2018 to build a communication system that gives visibility, positions and improve editorial quality of Central American journals.

In 2019, a collaborative agreement was signed between the two institutions in order to lay the bases for the creation of a portal for Central American journals, define the terms for technology transfer from Redalyc-AmeliCA, and determine the strategies for training to editors and technical staff of the journals of the University of Panama, in the use of the XML Markup System and other areas to support the editorial management of their journals.

The University of Panama has the human resource that has been trained to maintain the content of its own journals and to support the other journals in the region. AmeliCA offers the hosting and technology for visibility, indexing and metadata sharing.

The Central America Portal ( initially will have the scientific content published in journals from 7 countries (Panama, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala and Cuba), and all areas of knowledge, registered in Index of journals in consolidation AmeliCA.

The journals on this portal will have different formats for displaying their scientific content (PDF, HTML, ePUB, viewer and mobile viewer), customized and automatically generated by AmeliCA’s XML Markup System.

Each viewer will have a visible layer of metadata that will facilitate its indexing and collection process from different communication systems, to achieve greater dissemination.

This digital collection will progressively increase its content, thanks to the integration of more journals in the region which seeks support from Index of journals in consolidation AmeliCA for the strengthening of their editorial processes, a greater dissemination of their contents and the visibility with the support of appropriate technology.


Digital Collection of Academic Journals AmeliCA – Central America:

Index of journals in consolidation AmeliCA:
