Introducing QualitAAD. Quality Self-Assessment for Diamond Open Access Journals.
Enhancing Quality in Diamond Open Access Journals with Redalyc Technology
The Scientific Information System Redalyc is committed to strengthening a non-profit publishing model while preserving the academic and open nature of scientific communication and promote science as a common good. In line with this principle, a new tool has been developed: QualitAAD, Quality Self-Assessment for Diamond Open Access Journals.

The primary objective of this tool is to streamline the application process for Redalyc, allowing journal editors to understand their compliance with the Basic Criteria of the Index of Certified journals Redalyc. This tool serves as the initial step before submitting a journal for evaluation, being crucial for identifying and improving areas of opportunity, thereby enhancing the quality and visibility of academic publications, allowing journals to find their space for action and growth within this publishing model.
Once the self-assessment process is completed and 100% compliance is achieved, the journal under review becomes a candidate, meeting the minimum criteria for evaluation and being invited to continue with the application process to Redalyc. The tool will forward the information to Redalyc, confirming receipt via the provided email address.

If the journal does not achieve 100% compliance, it cannot proceed with the process. However, editors are encouraged to retry the self-assessment once they meet these requirements.
We are pleased to invite you to use the QualitAAD: Quality Self-Assessment for Diamond Open Access Journals, developed by the Redalyc Scientific Information System. You can access it by following this link:
You can consult a tutorial video on how to use this tool at this link.
“Technology and Editorial Innovation for Non-Commercial Open Access Journals”